These were the words of the government’s attorney general who was tasked with relaying legal advice to the prime minister in advance of the recent and unprecedented proroguing of Parliament. That it turned out to be bad advice, and the action deemed illegal, came as little surprise. He resisted further paraphrasing the famous Monty Python sketch as he defended his position as the fall guy. But the humour was lost in the red mist as it descended. His words defined the week as our democracy descended into chaos. He might as well have said that this is a 'dead democracy'. The Labour position is little better. The Labour leadership’s take on democracy was no better than the proroguing of Parliament when it comes to Brexit. The unedifying scenes in the conference hall in Brighton will have a lasting and damaging effect. The divisions were stark when it came to a motion for Labour to back remain in any future referendum. The vote was carried out by a show of hands; a met...