Who is Philip Augar? Maybe the starving cotton workers in England in the 19 th Century, as a consequence of a civil war in America that paralysed their industry, still haunts him. Theresa May revealed today that Philip Augar will chair the review into post-18 education and funding. Some will know of his writing on the stage of the financial sector and banking both in the UK and wider afield. Some will fear what he will bring to the table as he may seek to dismantle the whole UK tertiary education system in the UK. His article of 2010 “ A better way to break up the banks ” ( https://hbr.org/2010/02/a-better-way-to-break-up-the-banks ) is telling in this respect. With regard to regulation of banking and investment he notes; “ A simpler and more effective approach would be to prohibit banks that traded for customers or for themselves from giving advice to clients .” For ‘banks’ substitute ‘universities’ and see how a simple solution could mean that Theresa May is taking a ma